
“Now is not the time for halfhearted actions. It is time for a revolution.”France’s President

“The environment is a matter for the boss”The German Chancellor

“We want to make environmental technology into a top export.”The German Federal Minister of the Environment

A Matter for the Boss: Dr. Jürgen Grossmann, Dr. Johannes Teyssen, Dr. Angela Merkel, 2010

A matter for the Boss: Dr. Jürgen Grossmann,
Dr. Johannes Teyssen, Dr. Angela Merkel, 2010


This is what the climate was like in 2007 when an artist and an insurance company established the world’s first environmental award for the automotive industry:
The OekoGlobe.

Today the OekoGlobe Institute at the University of Duisburg-Essen is established and it had an influence on the electronic turning point in time.

In 2012 it will be awarded by the OekoGlobe Institut of the University of Duisburg-Essen, the DEVK Versicherungen, the TÜV Rheinland Group and the Finanzen-Verlag, Munich.

A vote of thanks goes to the international automotive industry that took an interest from the very start submitting numerous nominations of trendsetting innovations. That takes courage since no one looks more closely and carefully than Ferdinand Dudenhöffer and his jury.

ÖkoGlobe ’11 ZKM Karlsruhe, 2011

ÖkoGlobe ’11 ZKM Karlsruhe, 2011

"Wir sind alle Autos." This sentence that I called out in 1988 at the first, and today the legendary, Auto Trophy in Cologne has held true ever since. What has changed since then? Nothing! Just the drug auto has increased. When the wall of the Cold War fell, the motto changed from Give the People Bread to Give the People Cars. However, the air above the traffic jams remained limited and someone forgot to deliver the street under the wheels.

The last century goes to the automobile.
There is nothing that has given us so much freedom, yet, at the same time, taken so much of it away. What would Goethe’s journey to Italy have been like in a Ford? Now it is time to redefine the car. The cars on our streets are like telephone booths on wheels before the invention of the mobile phone.
HA Schult, 2012

ÖkoGlobe ’08 Car Crash, Riverside Cologne, 2008

ÖkoGlobe ’08 Car Crash, Riverside Cologne, 2008

ÖkoGlobe ’09 Crying Cars, DEVK Building, Cologne, 2009

ÖkoGlobe ’09 Crying Cars, DEVK Building, Cologne, 2009

ÖkoGlobe ’11 Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler

ÖkoGlobe ’11 Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler

ÖkoGlobe ’09 Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, Founder of ÖkoGlobe Institute, Duisburg-Essen University

ÖkoGlobe ’09 Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, Founder of ÖkoGlobe Institute, Duisburg-Essen University

The Car’s Guru

The Car’s Guru

ÖkoGlobe ’07 Bernhard Mattes, CEO Ford Germany,
Sigmar Gabriel, Federal Minister of the Environment

ÖkoGlobe ’07 Bernhard Mattes, CEO Ford Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, Federal Minister of the Environment

ÖkoGlobe ’08 Klaus Töpfer, former Federal Minister of the Environment

ÖkoGlobe ’08 Klaus Töpfer, former Federal Minister of the Environment

ÖkoGlobe ’09 Claudia Kemfert, Frank Stronach, Elke Koska, Jürgen Trittin, former Federal Minister of  the Environment

ÖkoGlobe ’09 Claudia Kemfert, Frank Stronach, Elke Koska, Jürgen Trittin, former Federal Minister of the Environment

ÖkoGlobe ’11 Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert, Professor of Energy, Economics and Sustainability at Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

ÖkoGlobe ’11 Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert, Professor of Energy, Economics and Sustainability at Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

ÖkoGlobe ’10 Dr. Norbert Röttgen, present Federal Minister of the Environment

ÖkoGlobe ’10 Dr. Norbert Röttgen, Federal Minister of the Environment

ÖkoGlobe ’07 The Winner

ÖkoGlobe ’07 The Winner

ÖkoGlobe ’08 The Winner

ÖkoGlobe ’08 The Winner

ÖkoGlobe ’11 Bernhard Mattes, HA Schult

ÖkoGlobe ’11 Bernhard Mattes, HA Schult

Auto Trophy, 1988 Power Cars

Auto Trophy, 1988
Power Cars

Auto Trophy, 1989 The Winner

Auto Trophy, 1989
The Winner

Auto Trophy, 1998 MIR People

Auto Trophy, 1998
MIR People

Auto Trophy, 2002 Stadium

Auto Trophy, 2002

ÖkoGlobe ’11 Elke Koska, Lothar Späth, former Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg

ÖkoGlobe ’11 Elke Koska, Lothar Späth, former Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg

ÖkoGlobe ’11 Friedrich W. Gieseler, CEO DEVK, Dr. Klaus Engel, CEO Evonik

ÖkoGlobe ’11 Friedrich W. Gieseler, CEO DEVK,
Dr. Klaus Engel, CEO Evonik

ÖkoGlobe ’11, Peter Weibel, the Global Art Player, Chairman and CEO of ZKM, Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe

ÖkoGlobe ’11, Peter Weibel, the Global Art Player, Chairman and CEO of ZKM, Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe

ÖkoGlobe ’10, “Stecker am Dom“, HA Schult, 2010

ÖkoGlobe ’10, “Stecker am Dom“, HA Schult, 2010

Flying People Haus-Rucker-Co, 1973

Flying People Haus-Rucker-Co, 1973

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